For high deductible plans and self-pay patients, payment will be due at the time of visit. Patients are required to pay their copays and coinsurance at the time of visit, according to your insurance policies.
It is your responsibility to know your benefits and to inform the front desk at the time of the visit to best guarantee payment from the insurance.
You are responsible for any covered or non-covered services as defined by your Insurer which are not paid by the primary insurance.
The office will bill your insurance carrier for all covered services if the patient is covered by a plan that we are contracted with as a participating provider. All copayments are required to be paid at the time of the visit.
It is your responsibility to present the patient's insurance card to the receptionist at every visit, even if you believe there have been no changes to the plan.
If an updated insurance card is not presented, or incorrect insurance card is given, and the claim is denied by the insurance, you will be responsible for any outstanding balance. We will not re-file the claim for you.
If no payment is made on your account after four months, the account will be forwarded to a collection agency and credit bureau for further action. At this time, you will be notified by mail with a 30-day notice of the discontinuation of care. Prompt payment on your account will avoid this action.
When a newborn is born, please add the newborn as your dependant with your insurance within 30 days.
When there is a dispute between parents as to who will be responsible for payment, we will bill the parent that brought the child to their appointment.
Please call office at 883-995-5437 ext 205 for any questions!